Goals of this primer#

The main focus of this resource is to give only a very general overview of the sphinx related infrastructure used in ArviZ and PyMC, without explaining much directly.

Here are some things you should or should not expect from this resource:

MyST or rST syntax guides

explanations on why MyST and rST are important

descriptions about which roles and directives exist

explanations on what a role and a directive are

explanation on how to configure sphinx builds

brief explanations on all the terms in this table and in the intro diagram

tutorials on how to use the extensions that power ArviZ and PyMC docs

descriptions about which extensions are used in ArviZ and PyMC docs and why

Most of the content will be references to other documentation pages for sphinx, sphinx extensions, the MyST syntax guideā€¦ The value of this resource is double fold though. It centralizes all these external references and links to useful documentation in a single place and it explains how all these fit together to serve the documentation goals at ArviZ and PyMC.